It occurred to me today that where most of you guys are right now, summer is coming to a close and fall is slowly creeping in. Unless you're one of our readers from the southern hemisphere, of course.. in which case it's becoming springtime... which is seriously fucked up.. but anyways I just got to Santa Barbara, California today, where it's more or less summer all year long. In honor of that incredible fact, I present to you the ultimate summer playlist. (not including the plethora of great summer jams that we've already posted, obviously)
This first one is a brand new Bit Funk remix of a Grum track. I'm surprised that the world didn't end from an excess of awesomeness when they decided to collaborate. Definitely hope to see more of this combination in the future.
Nothing says summer quite like Aeroplane.
Ah yes, Sun Is Up by Inna. This song reminds me of watching the sun rise on a beach in Ibiza next to Simian Mobile Disco with my boys Will and Pete (shout out). It also reminds me of getting mugged at sunset on that same beach 15 hours later. Sweet and sour. Gotta love the summer.
Hervé's newest single. Hervé can do no wrong.
Summertime, and the livins easy. Especially when Snoop Dogg shows up out of nowhere high as shit and decides to run a train all over a classic sublime song.
More Snoop, this time with New York house guru Armand Van Helden
Yelle. Tepr. Need I say more?
Dada Life. I literally could not get enough Dada Life if I tried. I try every day.
Bibio, the alien from planet chillwave. (I think that could be the most flattering introduction I've ever given)
ps, I snuck in the new experimental album cover in one of the songs today. let us know what you think
Oh, and the HARD Haunted Mansion trailer just came out. Bright & Shiny will definitely be covering this.